An act of god refers to natural catastrophe that cant be measured such as Flood, Earthquakes, Storm, Tsunami .
As a Policy owner one should be knowing all the terms & condition of the policy .
Earthquakes , Natural calamities, Flood are few example of Act of God . As a human we can only calculate high risk areas but these disaster are beyond human control .
UTTARAKHAND flood crisis is recent example of Act of God .
One should always check with insurer entire benefits attached in policy. Proper check required on Policy Sum assured , Policy Coverage, Policy benefits. In other word if you die during an natural calamities,the life insurance policy will pay the death benefit . And if you get hospitalized your health policy will pay .
You don't have control on Natural disasters but you have control on what to buy and when to buy .
So buy life insurance plan today and secured your future from all the worries .
Be insured Be happy !!